Navaratri Arati & Havan in Glastonbury
8:30 AM08:30

Navaratri Arati & Havan in Glastonbury

  • Millway Cottage, Somerton Road, Compton Dundon (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event is open to all to celebrate Navaratri together. Durgadas and Harisudha are very kindly opening up their home for this.

Arrive for Chandan at 8.30am,

Aarti 9am,

Havan 10.30 and lunch afterwards.

Please contact Ravi +44 7825 058774 and let him know that you’ll be coming, so that we can plan numbers for lunch preparation, and you’ll receive details of location and what to bring.

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Kirtan Picnic at the Nature Ashram
2:30 PM14:30

Kirtan Picnic at the Nature Ashram

We are looking forward to hosting our first Kirtan Picnic on 24th May at our Babaji Nature Ashram just outside Glastonbury near the Ham Wall nature reserve. Weather permitting, this will be a beautiful opportunity to come together outdoors in devotion, music, and connection. More information and contact details will be shared closer to the time. Join our newsletter of check back here for more information soon.

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Dattatreya Jayanti Arati & Havan in Glastonbury
8:30 AM08:30

Dattatreya Jayanti Arati & Havan in Glastonbury

  • Millway Cottage, Somerton Road, Compton Dundon (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event is open to all to celebrate Dattatreya Jayanti together. Durgadas and Harisudha are very kindly opening up their home for this.

Arrive for Chandan at 8.30am,

Aarti 9am,

Havan (fire ceremony) 10.30 and lunch afterwards (Havan will be weather dependent, we will just do arati if it is not possible to do a fire)

Please contact Ravi +44 7825 058774 and let him know that you’ll be coming, so that we can plan numbers for lunch preparation, and you’ll receive details of location and what to bring.

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Bhairav Jayanti Arati & Havan in Glastonbury
8:30 AM08:30

Bhairav Jayanti Arati & Havan in Glastonbury

  • Millway Cottage, Somerton Road, Compton Dundon (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event is open to all to celebrate Bhairav Jayanti together. Durgadas and Harisudha are very kindly opening up their home for this.

Arrive for Chandan at 8.30am,

Aarti 9am,

Havan 10.30 and lunch afterwards.

Please contact Ravi +44 7825 058774 and let him know that you’ll be coming, so that we can plan numbers for lunch preparation, and you’ll receive details of location and what to bring.

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Navaratri Arati & Havan in Glastonbury
8:30 AM08:30

Navaratri Arati & Havan in Glastonbury

  • Millway Cottage, Somerton Road, Compton Dundon (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event is open to all to celebrate Navaratri together. Durgadas and Harisudha are very kindly opening up their home for this.

Arrive for Chandan at 8.30am,

Aarti 9am,

Havan 10.30 and lunch afterwards.

Please contact Ravi +44 7825 058774 and let him know that you’ll be coming, so that we can plan numbers for lunch preparation, and you’ll receive details of location and what to bring.

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Kirtan Fundraiser in Glastonbury
6:30 PM18:30

Kirtan Fundraiser in Glastonbury

Join the UK Babaji family for an evening of kirtan to raise funds for the Babaji Nature Ashram. Kirtan singers and musicians will include Shambo, Veda, Asha, Tara Devi, Durga Das, Mark, Sivani Mata and Thrisha; as well as Tino joining us from the Netherlands. There will be delicious homemade chai and cakes available on the evening.

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Beltane Bhakti Gathering in Dorset
to May 6

Beltane Bhakti Gathering in Dorset

Being in Service in Times of Crisis: Whatever our beliefs, we can all agree that our world is at a turning point. Being alive in these times is challenging. Many of us want to know how to live with meaning and purpose in this age of violence, confusion and uncertainty. It’s tempting to spend our energy pointing the finger at others, but in focusing our energy outward, we can miss the opportunity to be of service to those in need. You are invited to 4 days of dawn to dusk chanting, dancing, prayer and connection.

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Navaratri Arati & Havan in Glastonbury
8:30 AM08:30

Navaratri Arati & Havan in Glastonbury

  • Millway Cottage, Somerton Road, Compton Dundon (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event is open to all to celebrate Navaratri together. Durgadas and Harisudha are very kindly opening up their home for this.

Arrive for Chandan at 8.30am,

Aarti 9am,

Havan 10.30 and lunch afterwards.

Please contact Ravi +44 7825 058774 and let him know that you’ll be coming, so that we can plan numbers for lunch preparation, and you’ll receive details of location and what to bring.

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Shivaratri Arati & Havan in Glastonbury
8:30 AM08:30

Shivaratri Arati & Havan in Glastonbury

  • Millway Cottage, Somerton Road, Compton Dundon (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event is open to all to celebrate Shivaratri together. Durgadas and Harisudha are very kindly opening up their home for this.

Arrive for Chandan at 8.30am,
Aarti 9am,
Havan 10.30 and lunch afterwards.

Please contact Ravi +44 7825 058774 and let him know that you’ll be coming, so that we can plan numbers for lunch preparation, and you’ll receive details of location and what to bring.

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Tree Planting at Babaji Nature Ashram, Glastonbury
9:00 AM09:00

Tree Planting at Babaji Nature Ashram, Glastonbury

  • Babaji Nature Ashram, Hempstich Hill (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We have been donated some trees for Babaji’s Nature Ashram and you are invited to join us to help them.

Gather at 9am at Hempstich Hill, Ashcroft, TA7 9QP (15min outside Glastonbury), bring your own spade, a packed lunch and drinking water. Please be advised this is an outdoors gathering – wear wellies and all weather clothes.

Please contact Ravi +44 7825 058774 and let him know that you’ll be coming so we know who to expect and for exact venue location.

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8:30 AM08:30

Navaratri Aarti & Havan – Saturday 21st October, Glastonbury

  • Millway Cottage, Somerton Road Compton Dundon, England, TA11 6NX United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event is open to all to celebrate Navaratri together and Durgadas and Harisudha are very kindly opening up their home for this.

Arrive for Chandan at 8.30am,

Aarti 9am,

Havan 10.30 and lunch afterwards.

Please let Ravi know that you’ll be coming, so that we can plan numbers for lunch preparation, and you’ll receive details of location and what to bring. 

Ravi: +44 7825 058774.

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Kirtan Fundraiser – 7th October, St Benedict’s Church, Glastonbury
7:00 PM19:00

Kirtan Fundraiser – 7th October, St Benedict’s Church, Glastonbury

Come and enjoy a beautiful Kirtan provided by the Babaji Family Band.

Running from 7-9pm on the 7th October.

This is to help raise funds for the Babaji Nature Ashram.

Investment: £10 on the door
(Includes chai – there will also be cakes for sale to enjoy.)
Just show up and sing with us, no need to book

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Free Healing Event for Babaji Devotees – 9th September, St John’s Church Lane Hub, Glastonbury
9:00 AM09:00

Free Healing Event for Babaji Devotees – 9th September, St John’s Church Lane Hub, Glastonbury

  • Church Lane Hub & Conference Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Free Healing Event in Glastonbury, with Brian Snyder from the Your Body Never Lies Campus in California. This is for Babaji devotees Time:  9am-11am Location: St. John's Church Lane Hub. Brian will share about his work of 30 years, with an explanation of this unique style of body language adjustments taught to Patrick Collard by Babaji, and then to Brian by both Patrick and Babaji. This includes group demonstrations - individual training, observed by the group – see here for an example:

Everyone may experience this training as a volunteer, should they wish to. This is a body language training event that will increase self-understanding, understanding of body language in general, and also the ability to use body language cues to better connect with others. The event is free and any donations will go to the UK Samaj. Sign up for here to register for your space:

Brian is running other events in Glastonbury during his visit, such as a “Wing Release Party”, More information is available on events running 6th-9th September here:[UNIQID]

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Babaji Nature Ashram – Inaugural Puja and Fundraising Event
9:00 AM09:00

Babaji Nature Ashram – Inaugural Puja and Fundraising Event

A morning to celebrate the new land for Babaji's Nature Ashram

About this event

You are warmly invited to the inaugural puja (havan and kirtan) for the new land that has been bought by the UK Haidakhandi Samaj, on

Saturday 9th April 2022 9am-1pm

Our gathering will be outdoors (BYO wellies and clothes for all weathers) at Babaji's nature ashram 15 minutes from Glastonbury (exact location given on RSVP). There are basic amenities and limited parking at the moment so please car share where possible. Bring your own drinking water. There will be hot drinks available to buy on site, and after the ceremony samosas (on us).

There is no charge to attend the gathering, but if you feel inspired to donate towards future tree planting and getting water on site, there will be the option to do that.

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to Oct 25

Navatri celebrations Autumn 2020

You are warmly invited to Navratri celebrations at Durgadas and Harisudha’s house in Somerset Friday 23rd October -Sunday 2th 2020

If you would like to help with Kama Yoga set up on Thursday 22nd, please call or text Durgadas & Harisudha on 07891781720 to let them know, thank you.

8.30 for 9am: Aarati
10:30am: Fire Ceremony
12.30pm: Lunch
7pm: Aarati
(there will be no evening aarati on Sunday, we will finish after Lunch)

Please let Harisudha and Durgadas know in advance if you’d like to come, as they will need to know numbers for food and parking. Call or text 07891 781720.

They have some limited basic accommodation and there are B&Bs in Glastonbury and a youth hostel approx. 1 mile away.

Bhole Baba ki JAI!

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Beltane Bhakti gathering
to May 10

Beltane Bhakti gathering

The Bhakti Gathering is inspired by the example of wise beings who demonstrated how to tackle life's challenges in practical and embodied ways. Living together for a few days, there's plenty of opportunity to practice tolerance and patience through simple acts such as sharing a noisy dorm, taking a cold shower, fasting a little.... During our time together, each ordinary action becomes a ritual of thanksgiving, transforming the daily 'grind' into a coming home to our highest selves and to each other.  

Please join us to spend some precious time together. It is possible to experience exquisite joy and expand our capacity for love even in these most challenging of times . . . and through this, to have the courage to act in service and solidarity as change makers.

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Navratri Celebrations Spring 2020
to Mar 29

Navratri Celebrations Spring 2020

  • 1 The Elders Compton Dundon, England, TA11 6PR United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You are warmly invited to Navratri celebrations at Durgadas and Harisudha’s house in Somerset Friday 27th March -Sunday 29th 2020

If you would like to help with Kama Yoga set up on Thursday 26th, please call or text Durgadas & Harisudha on 07891781720 to let them know, thank you.

8.30 for 9am: Aarati
10:30am: Fire Ceremony
12.30pm: Lunch
7pm: Aarati
(there will be no evening aarati on Sunday, we will finish after Lunch)

Please let Harisudha and Durgadas know in advance if you’d like to come, as they will need to know numbers for food and parking. Call or text 07891 781720.

They have some limited basic accommodation and there are B&Bs in Glastonbury and a youth hostel approx. 1 mile away.

Bhole Baba ki JAI!

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Holland Bhakti gathering
to Aug 18

Holland Bhakti gathering

We celebrate the Bhole Baba Bhakti Festival in August, from 15-18 August, with lots of  singing together (kirtan), mantra singing, music, and inspiration. The Bhakti Festival we dedicate to Babaji’s message of “Truth, Simplicity, Love and karma-yoga”.

Besides the festival program you are also welcome to participate in the usual ashram program with Aarti and Havan, and also welcome to participate in the Satsang, that is to say:  in Truth sharing of experiences and insights. You have also the opportunity to follow a yoga workshop.

Several kirtan musicians lead the kirtan. As soon as the participating musicians are known, they will be announced on this page.

To attend the festival please email:

Overall concept program Bhole Baba Bhakti festival


  • 4 pm: Welcome / Opening ceremony

  • 7.30 pm: Aarti in the temple

  • 8.30 pm: Dinner

  • 9.30 – 11.00 pm: Kirtan in the dhuni, all musicians

Friday and Saturday:

  • 5.45 am: Chandan / Kirtan around the havankund

  • 6.30 am: small havan (fire ceremony) in the dhuni / Yoga workshop

  • 8.00 am: Aarti in the temple.

  • Possibility of breakfast at the Chai Shop (Teahouse).

  • 10 am – 1 pm: kirtan / satsang

  • 1 pm: Warm vegetarian lunch plus break

  • 2.30 pm: 1 hour workshops

  • 3.30 – 6.30 pm: Kirtan 

  • 7.30 pm: Aarti in the temple

  • 8.30 pm: Dinner

  • 9.30 pm: Kirtan / Concert

  • Saturday 11 pm: All Night Kirtan


  • 5.45 am: Chandan / Kirtan around the havankund

  • 6 am: Paduka Puja in Babaji kutir / Kirtan at the fire pit outside / Yoga-workshop

  • 8 am: Aarti

  • 9 am: Satsang

  • 10 am: Havan at a fire pit outside

  • 12 am: Auction and lottery for charity

  • 1 pm: Warm vegetarian lunch plus break

  • 3.30 pm: Closing ceremony and kirtan

  • 5 pm: Karma yoga: cleaning up

  • 7.30 pm: Aarti and then dinner.

Possibilities for personal consultations etc.  during the festival are indicated at the Reception Tent.
Any changes to the program will also be announced at the Reception Tent

Karma Yoga

Visitors also sign up for some karma yoga activities during the festival.

Many hands make work light and together we create the success of the festival.

Let us celebrate Babaji’s message of Truth, Simplicity, Love together.

Action for a good cause

A charity action will also be held during this festival. In 2015 this was done for Babaji’s eye clinic in India, and in 2018 for upgrading and increasing the sustainability of the energy system at Sada Shiva Dham. There is an information stand and some activities for the charity in question.

BOOKING : email : or complete the form on this link https

10% discount if you book before 30 June 2018.

Prices include meals and accommodation - details below  (approx EUROS 150 for the whole festival)

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Gurupurnima in Italy
to Jul 16

Gurupurnima in Italy

  • Associazione Culturale Hairakhandi Love (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This year for the celebrations of Gurupurnima devotees are invited to the ashram of Hairakhandi Love in Umbria to participate in the celebration considered the most important by those who follow a spiritual path. In fact, in this period of full moon, in July, every spiritual researcher ritually honors his own Guru, the Spiritual Master, with immense love and gratitude. A great offer to fire is celebrated by everyone, in a ritual of union with the 
sacred feet of the Guru.

The ancient scriptures of India say that there is no difference between the Guru and God and that every sincere seeker can aspire to the final identification with the Spiritual Self only by virtue of the service rendered at the feet of the Master with unshakable trust and dedication. Those in search of the Good will only succeed if they draw upon themselves the compassion and grace of the Guru.


"In order to draw on that reality which is innate and natural, you constantly serve one Master!"



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